Families love hosting Challenger coaches!
How can I apply?
Typically, you will be asked if you want to host a coach when you sign up for a program. Our regional staff will then assess what needs we have in your location and if we’re looking for someone, we’ll give you a call.
You do not have to have a kid on camp to host a coach. If you would like to be added to our host family membership group you can use the link below to sign up.
From time to time we reach out to people in these groups if we're struggling to find a host family in a specific location.
Host A Soccer Coach Faqs
Taking someone into your home should be a considered decision. These FAQs will help.
This has become one of the most popular parts about Challenger Sports. Each year we receive hundreds of emails from families telling us what an incredible time they had hosting one of our coaches. Your camp’s coaches will stay with local families in your community for the duration of the camp week. In return, your child will be eligible to attend camp for free, or if you don't have a child attending camp, you can elect to receive a $100 rebate. Most importantly though, you will enjoy a unique week learning about foreign countries, cultures and customs and building lasting friendships with our staff.
We encourage our coaches to fit in with the normal pattern of your family life. We would like you to provide the coach with a bed; showering facilities; laundry facilities and meals. If coaches are working a straight 6+ hour session, please provide them with a packed lunch.
Our coaches will be staying with many different families during their summer with us and we find it avoids confusion if you discuss any house rules or routines with them beforehand (e.g. if they have to be in by a certain time in the evening; meal times; use of laundry facilities and your expectations of them during the week.)
Coaches will typically arrive in your town on the Sunday evening before the start of your camp. We try to get them to arrive at around 6 p.m. and they will usually meet at a central location (e.g. the camp coordinator's house, restaurant, school, etc). Unless otherwise notified, the coaches will stay with you until the Sunday following camp.
No. The coaches will be provided with their own transportation. Please understand that our auto insurance policy does not cover our drivers when driving host family automobiles and our staff may not transport campers in their vehicles at any time.
The scheduling of camp staff normally takes place the week before the camp and your local camp coordinator will be provided with a profile of the coaches who will be working on your camp. These profiles contain any special dietary restrictions they have.
Coaches will obviously be kept very busy during the week of camp. Each coach is contracted to work for 6 hours a day and they may have additional coaching commitments for one or two evenings during the week of camp. If you wish to arrange any social activities with your family on free nights you may, however this is not required.
Our staff should not be making long-distance calls from your home and will expect to pay you for any unscheduled calls that they make. If you allow them to use your computer to access email, please feel free to limit the time of use to when this is convenient with your family.
The staff all have medical insurance coverage – under NO circumstances should you have to pay for any medical attention your coach may need. If your local doctor does not recognize the medical insurance company name, the coach will have a toll-free number where the doctor’s office can call to confirm coverage.
Around two-thirds of our staff will be on a J-1 Visa. Every time they move to a new host family home they are required to update their information online for their Visa sponsor. This is an easy process and should take about 10 minutes. We want all host families to be aware that this is something that legally they are required to do on arrival at your home; it is our staff’s responsibility to do this, but if you are able to give them a friendly reminder, it is always appreciated.

Have you Hosted Before?
Families that have hosted before can redeem a rebate. Log in or set up an account to redeem code below.

Tell us about a coach you hosted!
Complete our survey and let us know about your experience!