Elite Camps Powered BY SPIRE



Learn more about our Elite Camps below

Coach chatting directly with soccer player on Elite Camp
Players. Passion. Pathways

Our Elite Camps are part of the Challenger ID program, employing and providing access to domestic and international collegiate scouts.

All campers will be considered for an invitation-only opportunity to join us at our National Training Center at the SPIRE Academy in Ohio. Whilst our older players might be identified as a potential student athlete at the Steven Gerrard Academy in Liverpool, England.

Elite Camps Skills Training Boy and Girl
Get better and stand out

Our curriculum is based upon our the legacy programs of Post To Post and SoccerPlus, established by the legendary US Coach, Tony DiCicco. We focus on technical skills, execution of speed, and natural solutions. The "When, Why and How" approach.

We concentrate on the development of the player and the end goal is to produce skillful, creative, self-critical, reflective & intelligent players, who are technically sound in their peak years.


Elite Camps Skills Training
Understand the process

Campers will be exposed to off the field education which will lead to improved soccer IQ and a more thorough understanding of the college recruiting process.

They will also be taught what it is like to 'train like a pro', experiencing life lessons in dealing with pressure, setting goals, maintaining focus and fostering motivation.

Upcoming Camps or Programs

This section will be updated periodically to show our upcoming elite programs. Some of these will include a vetting process to ensure players of appropriate ability level are attending.

Please contact Anthony Riley — if you have any questions before applying.


Residential options, includes payment plans, early bird discounts along with a commuter alternative.

Train Like A Pro @ SPIRE Academy (Week One)

Geneva, OH — June 15 - June 19 — Ages 11 - 19

(commuter option — June 16 - June 19)

Train Like A Pro @ SPIRE Academy (Week Two)

Geneva, OH — July 13 - July 17 — Ages 13 - 17

(commuter option — July 14 - July 17)

We also offer ID Combines at various stages throughout the year

Note that the approval standard on your application will be higher at these events.


Geneva, OH — May 16 - May 18 — Ages 13 - 19

Want to be considered for the Invitation-only National ID Combine that we hold each winter?

Contact Anthony Riley —

Regional Training Centers Across North America

Residential options, includes payment plans & early bird discounts at most locations

Train like a pro @ Menlo College

Atherton, CA — July 6 - July 10 — Ages 11yrs+

Northfield Mount Hermon School

Gill, MA — July 27 - July 31 — Ages 11yrs+

Spooky nook sports

Hamilton, OH — August 3 - August 7 — Ages 11yrs+

Spooky nook sports

Manheim, PA — August 10 - August 14 — Ages 11yrs+

Day Camp options, includes payment plans & early bird discounts at most locations.

AYSO Alliance

Knoxville, TN — June 9 - June 13 — Ages 11yrs+

(1st of 2 weeks available)

Cobb High School

Kennesaw, GA — June 9 - June 13 — Ages 11yrs+


Carolina Futsal Development Center

Rock Hill, SC — June 16 - June 20 — Ages 11yrs+


Cobra Sports Events

El Paso, TX — June 16 - June 19 — Ages 11yrs+


Allison Sports Town

Springfield, MO — June 23 - June 27 — Ages 11yrs+


St. Andrew's High School

Barrington, RI — June 23 - June 27 — Ages 11yrs+


Hoover Metropolitan Soccer Complex

Hoover, AL — July 7 - July 11 — Ages 11yrs+


Valley United Soccer club

New Minas, NS, Canada — July 7 - July 11 — Ages 11yrs+


AYSO United Alabama

Madison, AL — July 14 - July 18 — Ages 11yrs+


Sporting Lee's Summit

Lee's Summit, MO — July 14 - July 18 — Ages 11yrs+


tri-city united

Moorhead, MN — July 14 - July 18 — Ages 11yrs+


AYSO Alliance

Knoxville, TN — July 21 - July 25 — Ages 11yrs+

(2nd of 2 weeks available)


Just one soccer league

Grafton, NJ — August 4 - August 8 — Ages 11yrs+


Athlete training and health

Katy, TX — August 4 - August 8 — Ages 11yrs+


hudson sports complex

Warwick, NY — August 11 - August 15 — Ages 11yrs+


Can't find the camp you're looking for?

Elite Camps

What else is included?

A FREE virtual webinar on Sports Psychology from AIM-FOR, who have worked with (amongst others) Liverpool FC, West Ham FC and England U19.

This includes an option to join an additional educational pathway.

Educational introduction to an online platform connecting students to the right college and career pathway via The Sport Source and their MATCHFIT program.

Parent support and education to help understand the college recruitment process.

Overview & Features

SPIRE Academy

  • Located in Geneva, Ohio
  • Acts as our National Training Center and is the pinnacle of the Challenger Pathway
  • 850,000 square feet of Olympic grade facilities over 800 acres
  • An ‘Olympic Village’ Setting
  • Indoor and outdoor turf facilities
  • Kitchen, classroom and residential facilities for overnight camps
  • 25,000 square feet Performance Training Center
  • One of the largest indoor, multi-sport, training and competition facilities in the world

Elite Camps Faqs

We know that a lot of programs will label themselves as 'elite'. We want you to understand ours so you can make an informed decision on whether to join us this summer.

Our curriculum is designed for players with high aspirations for playing at the collegiate or even professional levels. This camp provides an elite training environment that encourages the development of the complete player. You can expect to receive a training environment that will give you an inside look at what is expected from collegiate-level athletes regarding ability, discipline, and effort in games and practices. We don't just stop there — we are here to help maximize players' potential with technical sessions at game pace while allowing you to showcase your talent in front of experts and top coaches as future collegiate student athletes.

We also cater for those athletes who are ready for the residential experience; as well as having sessions designed for both outfield players and goalkeepers.

Our philosophy is simple: teach technical skills first, then focus on execution at game speed. Our comprehensive program is brilliantly planned with a clear focus on HOW, WHY, and WHEN - the essential knowledge for succeeding at the higher collegiate level.

Our program is based on over 40 years of experience and focuses on developing a complete player on and off the field. By attending camp, you will gain insights required for professional development, ensuring all aspects are taken care of — from technical abilities to improving soccer IQ and, finally, understanding the college recruiting process. Our College Soccer Planner gives our athletes the materials and instructions needed beyond high school.

The result? A transformed athlete ready for success in both athletics and academics that appeals to college recruiters.

All camps are designed to identify future student athletes to participate in our Study and Play programs. We offer a domestic option in Ohio for ages 13yrs+ and an international option in Liverpool, England, due to our partnership with the Steven Gerrard Academy. Learn more here.

The Elite Camps, whether day or residential, are also part of our Challenger ID Program. Every year we will identify 150 players attending camps at our regional and national training centers and invite them to attend our National ID Combine, to be held every winter at our national training center in Ohio at the SPIRE Academy. 15 boys and 15 girls will then be invited to tour as part of SPIRE Internationals Tour.  These players will then also be assessed as to their eligibility for our Study and Play division. We also utilize our Creative Skills division to offer 3 v 3 Showdown tournaments at both a regional and national level.

Yes we do!

We have an ultimate camp experience payment plan. Residential camps will allow you to make a $250 deposit and then pay $100 a month up to 30 days before camp, whilst our day camps will allow you to make a $100 deposit and then pay $50 a month up to 30 days before camp. 

Want to host an elite camp?

Still need help?

Get in touch with us directly for more information.

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